Entries has just completed the following inactivity deprivvings for the fourth quarter.
SH to I2
conulyimcit0376knaglmagic_beansremarkrightursamajor I2 to I1:
angelicmoonfiredreamnestiahammondpocketnovelratofthelabrowaasr13seaofdestiny I1 to screened:
azurelunaticdraconidexor674fyregameboyguy13jheyallbbooksmoogleraymuseumfreakphamsterridicullyspyderwrinymfyoucreateworlds If you have any questions about this quarter's inactivity deprivvings, or if you'd like to start working for the category again, you can reach the Entries trio at support@livejournal.com. Thank you for the work you've been doing for the category!