Guess what? It's a privving!

Jan 14, 2006 11:18

Well, since I didn't get to do any activity deprivvings this quarter, I decided I'd do the next best thing (by which I mean the way better thing!) and do some stealth reviewing of the more active people in syn and clients from the last quarter.

So, congrats to gameboyguy13, lithiana, and rowaasr13 for getting I1 in syn; imc and lithiana for getting I1 in clients; and constantia and seaofdestiny for getting I2 in syn and clients respectively!

(whew. Lotsastuff.)

If any of the people that just got privs -- or, really, anyone! -- wants to get a review, feel free to. I didn't actually write up a proper review. And I want to get more people to I2. *pokes at the syn and clients I1s*

lithiana, syn, syn i1, clients i1, seaofdestiny, imc, rowaasr13, i2, clients i2, syn i2, constantia, gameboyguy13, clients, i1
