Mar 31, 2006 16:44
I realized today that my life is almost the most boring thing ever.
All I do is sleep, drink, read, drink, drink, sex, sleep, eat, history channel.
That may seem like a pretty awesome schedule, right? I know, but it has gotten booooorrrringggg.
I also realized that I need to get a job, or find something to do that will make me some sort of money.
Dentist/doctor/credit card bills are a bitch.
I don't think I want to move to Antarctica as previously stated. I would probably freeze to death since I'm naked 98.3% of my life. I doubt I would get service on my cell phone. Umm... no cable TV. And I would be about 394028543890 light years away from Lisa. Sorry penguins.
It rained slightly, but it stopped. There have been no reported deaths. Yet.