For some reason I have an obsession with checking my email. When I'm home alone, I'll seriously check it like every 20 minutes. The sad part about it is that I never even get any emails that are important / worth reading. I don't really know why I feel the need to check it so often. It's not like I'm ever expecting mail.
So everyone should send me random emails... I don't care what it is. Anything that will entertain me while I am bored. BLACKMOLDDEATH@GMAIL.COM
Lisa (
backlikeawave) is coming to visit me in Canton next week. I'm driving down to Cincinnati and picking her up on Monday, the 4th of July. I'm so excited. We're going to RAPE and PILLAGE the cities of Canton and Cleveland and kill a whole lot of sluts that get in our way. Mojitos here we come...
Then the weekend after that (17-23), Rex and I are possibly going on vacation in Florida with my dad and some of my family. It all depends on if Rex can get off work or not. Hopefully, he can. I'll find out when he gets home tonight. Cross your fingers for me... I really want to go.
And then sometime around then Skwateward is supposed to come visit me. I don't know if that will happen because of Florida, but it definitely will happen this summer sometime.
So basically this summer looks like it's going to be pretty amazing. Since so much is going on lately, I'm going to wait until after it all settles down to get a steady job. It would be dumb to get one now since I would already have to ask off for like two and a half weeks in July. I really need to get one so we can move out of this house already. It's not really THAT bad here. It just gets a little nerve racking living with Rex's parents still. They're cool and everything. We get a lot of privacy and it's sometimes really nice that we live here... but I think it's about time we live on our own.
Whoa... I think those pills Debbie gave me are finally starting to kick in a lot. I feel crazy. haha I love random pain killers.
I need ...
Look at this...
My fucking flip flops are better than yours. NO DOUBT.
I lock children in cages. *
Plus, people should recommend individual journals / communities on Live Journal that are interesting and will keep me entertained. As long as it's fun and updated frequently, I'll add it. I get bored while Rex is at work, and need alternative forms of entertainment.
*No children were harmed or put in any kind of danger in the making of this Live Journal entry.
Comment, bitches. Even if it's just to say hi. <3
P.S. This has been in my room all day. I do not even know how it got inside.
P.P.S. It's hard to take a picture of a bee that moves so much. Especially when you're on pain medication.