Mar 19, 2010 09:42
haven't posted in four months.
Now that I'm doing so my updates include the birth of a grandson, the Zippy the Pinhead process, a terrific concert @ Center Stage, and a myriad of other delights which I hope to address on a more frequent basis.
Eric Jacob was born in January. He was and continues to be off the charts re: height and weight. No doubt he's thriving. The auditions are running smoothly. We have several strong candidates for the principle roles and many talented performers for the one liners and chorus. Joyce and I continue our 'Ebony & irony' series. Every month we get together for dinner somewhere; last evening we visited one of our favorites, "Chingali." (sp?) We try and decide what our next moves should be, artistic-wise, and catch up on our respective lives.
It's gorgeous outside and I'll be doing something constructive outdoors, sometime later on. For now, it's 'Hi Ho. Hi Ho...'