Title: Hold On (Part One)
Fandom: Real People
Characters: Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock
Prompt: 08. Plan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,020
Summary: Sandra meets with Alex Bruk.
Author's Note: Ah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
Comments 9
How much do I love this guy? ;) Loved that line, because it rings true to what I tend to think of: the way she occasionally weaves him into her interviews, neglecting to mention his last name even - when normally the only time an actor talks about another actor is when it's in relation to their latest movie. I've always found that fascinating and you incorporated that really well.
She can’t even brush off the inch of dust covering the lid because touching the box is enough to trigger memories that hurt her heart and make her lose balance.
Totally relate to this as well. Then again, most probably do, but it added that hint of her vulnerability. Adored this story, lovely job once again!
I look forward to peeping into her Pandora's Box! Thanks for the great story again.
Much Thanks Katie.
Hope you had fun on your camping trip, even if it did leave you with a few undesirable souveniers!! ;D
Yea we had fun , thank you for asking. I have to say the undesirable souveniers were all worth it :)
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