Title: Building A Family (Part One)
Fandom: Real People
Characters: Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock
Prompt: 83. Build
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,766
Summary: They meet Kamea.
Author's Note: Ah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
I'm in awe of your writing talent Katie. Please keep writing , pretty please :)Love this one to death! Thanks soo much again.
Ohhh....what interview is that? Have I seen it and I just forgot, or is it a recent interview?
Yeah it's actually a new one I posted it SBC, here's the link
It's the interview on ET (Premonition), it was just from this week. She was asked about her upcoming anniversary and just look at her reaction (she kind even rolled her eyes a little bit and she whispered "yes we do" and looks down.. like she forgot). I know you'll notice that too Alex , we always see to see the same thing ;)
Thankies bunch Cheryll! I am gonna watch the other vids you uploaded, I need to catch up on all the ones I missed. :)
Now that I'm thinking about it, they really are kind of like Brad and Angelina in this story. Except much more meant to be, funnier, and cuter. ;D
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