A bout of flu has kept me on my couch, re-watching episodes of Doctor Who and feeling generally despondent. So, for boredom’s sake, I’ve compiled my Top 10 episodes list... which turned into a Top 12 list, because I really wanted to include 42 and Father’s Day. I don’t think either of them are episodes which often make it into these sort of lists,
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When I try to think about what's wrong with Nine, it's really hard to put my finger on it. His acting is good, the character has a decent mix of quirks and angst, and his harsher moments are no less severe than Ten's - though as I've said previously, I have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to Ten's sins, because, well. David Tennant. I think what it comes down to is that Nine just doesn't have the charm of either Ten or Eleven. The latter two are completely magnetic - they're the sort of people I genuinely wish I could go travelling with. Nine, not so much.
I don't think there are any episodes I genuinely disliked, but there are a number that I would consider rather weak, especially when compared to the brilliance of the show when it is at its best. And even the weaker episodes often have something in them to make them worth watching. (For example, The Sontaran Strategem/The Poison Sky, which I consider to be among the weaker episodes, have that great interaction between Donna and Martha - where the Doctor expects them to fight, only to find them discussing his health, instead. Also, the absolutely hilarious moment when the Doctor delivers a sweet and heartfelt goodbye speech to Donna... before realising that when she said "I'm going home" she just meant "for a visit".)
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