I could be wealthy, with nothing to stop me

Mar 18, 2008 18:01

I've been walking on sunshine lately and I hope that saying it doesn't turn sunshine into black clouds of despair. But things are actually going splendedly and I have noooooo complaints other than the mutiple personality case I live with but that's a different story.

I'm making another list because they get to the point and they're impossible to screw up.

- I  have co-op interviews next week, had one today and it went amazingly!
-  I'm not morbidly obesse; I have abs and and hour-glass figure, hollerrrrrrr. Also, my fashion sense is at its best ever, blame living in a city.
-  I'm seeing the red sox twice in one season, hell in the same month(back to back weekends!)! One is a yankees game, the other  is a rangers game and I'm seated on the right field roof.
- My friends are amazing and couldn't honestly find better ones even if I tried.
-  I'm over my freshman depression/homesickness yay!
- As far as I know my grades are awesomeeee.
- I'm loving my current job more and more everyday. I'm pretty much friends with most of the girls I work with and my bosses love me, i'm kinda their favorite work-study because I'm fabulous.
- The past few days have been really sunny and kinda warm (40's and 30's). It means spring is coming and that makes me happy.
- My roommate for next year is truly amazing and I can't wait to live with her because she's easy to get along with and doesn't cause drama. Yesssssssssssss!
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