Japan (May 15-16) ~ Entitled: Angelo @ Nagoya Club Diamond Hall & The longest day of my life.

Jun 10, 2007 22:32

You'll have to forgive my specialness in the line up from my previous post. I've been informed that I screwed it to hell. Apparently the line up is as follows: Fifth Wheel - Hard Core Fanclub - Silence Kills The Revolution - The Cherry Coke$ - Kick Like Kato - Coquettish. SKTR had scary vocalist, KLK had Dan from The Suicide Machines, C had guitarist with bleeding head. Gee that kinda failed. (-_-)

After sleeping forever the day before, I woke up Tuesday morning at, like, 4 am. I had nothing better to do so I watched some TV until everyone else got up a couple of hours later. I watched a lot of the Discovery Channel but also some news and Hello Kitty…not a lot of HK though. Five minutes was all I could stand.

Eventually, later that morning, Shelby and Jess woke up and we all kind of slowly got dressed and ready and stuff. Since we didn’t have to be in Nagoya until about 5:30 that evening, we didn’t have to rush around and such. We decided that we were going to go back to a couple of places in Osaka before going to the JR station… again.

The first stop on our list: the mall in Kyobashi with the Shinseido. I had seen X Japan’s Blue Blood album there last Friday and I still had to get something else for Rae. She didn’t pick the phone up then so I didn’t buy it because I couldn’t remember if she had it or not. That and Jess still needed to buy stuff for her family so the mall was a great place for that. So we went to the subway station completely bypassing the 7-11 (8O ee~gads!). We easily found our way back to the mall and into the Shinseido…and somebody totally bought the Blue Blood album! What!? Who the hell else buys X Japan CD’s?! >\

So anyways, we continued to walk around the mall. Shelby and I went off in search of fans to take with us to JR Rev for Kagrra,’s performance, but we didn’t see anything that was inexpensive or what we really wanted to begin with. So that was a bust but Jess found some nice stuff for her family.

After that, we went back to Shinsaibashi to revisit the store of doom, Pure Sound… I wanted to look at more of the Pierrot stuff since I knew there wasn’t anything else I really needed to buy from then on out (o.o)… oh and Shelby needed a bank, like hard core. But we took another line into Shinsaibashi than we did the last time so we ended up at a different end of the station and we couldn’t figure out where the hell we were in the city nor could we figure out which way we needed to go in order to get to where we wanted to go. It was super annoying. Though we did find a bookstore in the mall there and I finally found the June Fool’s Mate I wanted so the trip wasn’t a complete bust for me. But after that, we gave up and just went back to the apartment.

We had maybe an hour and a half before we had to leave to go to the JR station in Shin Osaka. We wanted to stop and get some food before heading off to Nagoya since we weren’t going to eat again until late-late that night when we got back. But instead of the 7-11, they wanted to go to the McDonald’s that was right there. So we went.

Zomg! They had white grape Qoo! 8D Micky-D’s FTW!

We just relaxed while we ate lunch and then off to the JR station it was. Now, we didn’t want to run into the same problem we did in Tokyo with missing the last train and such so prior to leaving, we went over the train schedule like mad. The last available train back from Nagoya was at, like 9:45 or something. The point was, we had to watch our time and we had to probably leave at about 9:00. I was at odds. We could not stay in Nagoya because we were leaving Japan the next day and we had to be out of our apartment by 10:00 am. …but it was Kirito… D=

I knew what we had to do so I was fully prepared to leave the Angelo concert early whether it was before the encore or during a song during the main performance, but we had to leave. (T-T)

So off to Nagoya we went. Luckily, Nagoya is a lot closer than Tokyo! It was, maybe, an hour and a half train ride north. Once we got there, we were smart and timed ourselves so we knew approximately about how long it would take us to get from the venue to the JR Station. We were also smart and bought our subway tickets for the way back while we were there so we wouldn’t have to wait in line for that later. Boo-Ya! S-M-R-T!!

Now, of course, once we exited the subway, we weren’t really sure what way we needed to go. We stopped for a minute to look at our map and decided on a direction…and then we noticed a hoard of girls who looked like they were going to a J-Rock concert… so we decided to follow them. And besides, they were headed in the same direction we were going to go in anyway. =P

So we follow them and lo and behold, there is the Flex West Building about a block from the subway. Awe~some! So that was about 15-20 minutes from the JR station to the venue which meant we could stay until about quarter after-ish but 9:25 was the absolute latest we could stay. We had to leave then. Again, I was fully prepared to leave during the encore.

So we walked up to Club Diamond Hall and stood out in front listening to the two guys shouting directions at everyone. They were saying that certain numbers had to go and stand over there (pointing into the complex) but they kept saying 500 or less… I guess. We were numbers 945, 6, & 7. They weren’t saying anything that high, so we didn’t know where to go. One of the guys (who was really cute) kept eyeing us while we were eyeing him. We probably looked lost and he probably noticed that we looked lost. So finally he kind of started to approach us as Jess decided to kind of approach him. Anyways, he ended up escorting us to where we had to stand, which was in the next building over and 5 or 6 floors up. Yeah, we were at the end of the line.

There were these really great looking Kirito and Kohta cosplayers doing their outfits from the last tour ‘Broken World After The Heaven’. Eventually the line started moving and we headed down into the actual venue complex. We passed by a bulletin board that had a tour poster on it. I said to the girls that since we’d probably be leaving early, if no one’s around when we came out, the poster was mine. >) After going up more steps, the guy checking the tickets at the door gave Jess a really nasty look, probably because she was a good foot and a half taller than him, and we went inside. They actually asked us if we had cameras so there was defiantly no picture taking in the venue. But I was there and in about half an hour I was going to see Angelo.

Angelo: 「Easter For Treason」 May 15th -tues- Nagoya Club Diamond Hall

So we got in the venue and just got our bearings for a second. I wanted to go the merchandise booth first because we wouldn’t have time later. I walked up and just pointed at stuff. “That, that, that, that, that and two of these. Here, have money.”

We put everything in a locker and into the concert hall we went. It was standing room only so everyone was spread out. Jess started walking down toward the front so we just followed her. We found a nice spot that was really open in the center.

For being 945, 6 & 7, Jess managed to walk us up to about 11th row center. And I was dead center… in front of Kirito the whole time. 8D~

The Kirito cosplayer was on Jess’ left (who was on my left) and there was this girl in front of me, who from behind, reminded me of Becky; but only from behind. As soon as she turned around and I saw her face, I was like, “D= Ah! You’re not Becky.” Shelby was to my right and to her right was some guy that didn’t move much during the concert. The stage wasn’t anything spectacular; a banner hung on the back wall of the stage with the “Angelo, The creature was reborn out of hades” logo on it.

The show started with Takeo being the first to walk out, followed by Toruxxx, then Kohta and finally Kirito. Takeo had a lot of eye shadow on, a lot of eye shadow, but his hair looked nice; Kohta looked freaking hawt in general. Then finally Kirito came out. I think Shelby said I grabbed her arm and started screaming anf flailing? I honestly do not remember doing so. Okay, I remember screaming a bit. In person, Kirito’s blond hair doesn’t look that bad. I still wish he had his black hair though. But he had blue contacts in? Errr… I like his black eyes. But the net shirt he had on look good. (^^) So they took their places and jumped right into the show.

The show opened with ‘Ikyou ni Saku Hana’. I did think that was going to be the opening song because it just sounds like an awesome opening song, and it was. Uuuuhhh…after that I’m really sketchy on the set list. (¬.¬) I think that ‘REBORN’ was the second song…third song…? They went through their entire discography, playing ‘REBORN’ twice: once in the beginning and then as the last song in the encore. They also played some new songs; 4 actually: ‘CEREMONY’, ‘Destruction impulse’, ‘NEO HADES’ & the best one of all, “CHRIST IS A MONKEY’. The first three songs Kirito didn’t announce (I got those names from an April 1st report in a magazine so I can only assume the names are correct for my concert too?). But during the encore, he gave an MC and then announced that last one.

The only things I remember from that song is that the first and last lines of the song are, “Christ is a monkey” and the song was really catchy. And he does this thing where he stands on his stand and stretches his arms out to either side of him (like he’s…well…on a cross, I guess) and does this head roll thing and makes really special faces.

Jess says Kirito dances worse than Gackt. I think I kind of disagree. At least you can call what Gackt does an attempt at dancing. Kirito does this… I don’t know. It’s a pee-pee shimmy in place or something… and he does it a lot. He just squeezes his legs together and moves them in the opposite direction of his upper torso. It just looks like the man has to really go to the bathroom…either that or he’s in pain. And then, of course, he’ll put his hand to his face like he really needs to go so bad it hurts. At least he didn’t do that mega bathroom dance he did during his ‘Fef of Hamln’ concert. Now that was some bad dancing! X0

There was lots of headbanging! Not really para-para per say. Just more “do what Kirito does”. If he raises his hand, you raise your hand… if he does a fist pound, then you do a fist pound… if he scratches his butt…well you get the idea. Though he does do this thing where he wants everyone to move or headbang or something and if he catches you not doing what he wants, then he seeks you out, points at you and taps his own head. If he wants you to sing or be louder, he points to mic toward the crowd and beckons you with his hand. Once everyone is doing what he wants, like bent over headbanging, he stops, crosses his arms and just observes the crowd with this quirky smile on his face.

Now most of the talking is coming from Jess’ memory. She tried her best to understand what was being said and she didn’t know how accurate she was. Well, she did about 1000 times better than me so I don’t care.

Anyways, according to her, during the first MC, Kirito was like, “Woo! There’s a lot of people here!” and asked how we were and if we were having fun. He also said, “We are Angelo,” in English (I did catch that for myself, thank you very much). We think there was a really short second MC, but we wouldn’t swear to it. During the third MC though, he said something about how on the way to the venue, they had gotten lost in Tokyo and it was Takeo’s fault (so I guess Takeo was driving? XD). He handed the microphone to Takeo who said something like how he usually gets blamed for that kind of stuff because it’s just the easiest thing to do. After Takeo finished, Kirito took the microphone back and said that the real person to blame is ‘this guy’ and looks at Kohta, because ‘he was giving the directions’. Kohta said something like how it really was his fault but like Takeo said; it’s just easier to blame him (meaning Takeo) anyways (awww, poor Takeo **huggles**). After Kohta, the microphone went back to Kirito who then walked over to Toruxxx’s side of the stage and said something about ‘this guy being no help because he’s a pervert and just read porn in the back of the van the whole time’. So he handed Toruxxx the mic and all we remember was that he didn’t deny his being a pervert. He said other stuff, but we kind of zoned out during his talking because he doesn’t count and just makes us mad anyway (¬.¬). So Kirito took the microphone back and said that he ‘needed some help because he didn’t remember who he was.’ (-_-) “Who am I?” We called out, “Kirito!” And he said back, “I can’t hear you,” so we yelled it back, “Kirito!” And then he made his little hand motion for us to yell his name louder and we did. I think that’s when he announced they were going to perform ‘CHRIST IS A MONKEY’.

Over all, it was an awesome concert. I can not count myself among those lucky enough to have been able to see Pierrot, so I can not compare the two but Angelo seemed to be energetic and the guys seemed to be highly enjoying themselves. The crowd gave them much energy and I think it was returned.

Now, periodicaly during the concert, Jess would nudge me for the time since I said I would hold onto the cellphone for the night. 9:15 kept approaching faster and faster. The concert ended and the crowd began calling for an encore. We still had time. And the crowd was calling for one with much excitement; the chanting didn’t die at all. They came out and did the encore and then it ended. Zomg… we still had 5 minutes before we had to start getting out of there. We made it all the way through the concert!! XDDDDDDD

Jess went for her drink and I went for our stuff in the locker. We regrouped, I handed my letter for Kirito to one of the merchants at the booth because I totally bypassed the present box on my way in. We definatly high-tailed it out of there. I would have loved to hang around and see them out of the hall, but unfortunatly, that was impossible. To the subway and to the JR station. We made it with 5 or 10 minutes to spare. What a wonderful night! 8)

To be completely honest, the experience was so surreal that even now, I don’t even believe I was there. It happened so fast and I can’t wait for the next time. D8

Random note: The subways were all closing when we got back to Osaka. When we were walking down the one set of stairs to go toward our exit, this conductor guys jumped out of nowhere and started yelling at us. All I heard was, “jkkw wenioehgef8 jkrdfioejk nwf !!!” Luckily Jess was listening. The guy just asked if we needed that train because it was the last one. Ahh, startled me. I think we made one last stop at the 7-11 and went back to the apartment to mellow out on our last night there.

The day we left was fucking long as shit!!! 8O!

Let me try to put it into perspective. Jess called Kitto, from Japan, at about 9:00 in the morning on Wednesday. We were getting ready to check out. Kitto was at work in the evening on Tuesday. Our plane was not going to get into Newark until about 10:30 pm Wednesday night. From the time we left our apartment to the time we landed at home, Kitto would have worked a full evenings work, gone home, gone to bed, woken up, gone to school, gone back to work and gone back home to go to bed. Now isn’t that a mind fuck. (@-@)

The ride home was long as hell and so uncomfortable…and I slept through ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ on the plane. And to top it all off, We were about 50 minutes late leaving San Francisco and we had to circle Newark for about an hour because of the weather. Our plane landed at 12:30 and I had to be up at 7 am for work. >\

The only interesting thing about the ride home was hangman on the way from Japan, the conversation about smelly feet while in San Francisco and the old senile man who kept taking his seatbelt off and walking toward the exit with his bag in hand while we were still in the air and landing.

It was kind of a shitty way to end a fabulous vacation, but there you have it.

I’m determined. In the spring, I’m going back!

~~ The End ~~

kirito, angelo

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