Apr 16, 2014 20:04
trying to keep a positive buzz. there's always one, that's gotta try and kill it.
went to work today, all positive like it's gonna be a good day...get there, go to log in as per normal to the area i normally do... fine...
then, everyone else starts trickling in, the bitch that trained me comes over and goes 'am i doing central?' i said i dunno...then she goes and stomps over to the team manager and basically refuses to do another area and says she wants the one i'm lined up to do. whinge, moan, complain, butch and cry, and she gets what she wants.
now, have no issue with doing a different area, but just because she 'didnt want to' do this other particular area and kicked up a stink, i got moved off the area that i was meant to do.
No issue with doing a different area, but MAN am i fucked off that someone can just jump up and down like they own a fucking place and get what they want. i'm totally livid. !$!$!$$! fuck this shit!!