To Do List

Jul 11, 2011 23:45

I wonder how much of this I can get done before my inlaws arrive on Friday. Here's hoping I can just be a power house of getting-shit-done-ness, because they'll be here about two weeks and I don't know how much I'll get done in that time. Those of you that have been urging me to update my fics, I promise you, I'm trying! But I've also promised myself not to stress myself out about it anymore, and just update when I can. If that means fewer people read my fics. Well. I guess it's my own fault.

If I even look like I'm thinking about taking on another project, somebody slap me. All of this has taught me one thing though - I work much better when I can focus on one thing at a time. So I want to start with the shorter projects and keep wrapping them up, until I'm just left with Dragon Blood to finish.

Fanwork Projects
Bex/Melty Bday Gifts
sshg exchange gift
sshg_exchange Exchange Fic (1/4 done) - due July 25th
Tortall Challenge Fic - due July 31st
My Brother's Keeper - last updated (possibly put on hiatus?)
Courting the Moon - last updated July 10, 2011.
Dragon Blood - last updated July 10, 2011.
Couple more fills on the Anon Rare!Ship Wrong!Ship Meme (whenever)
Repost SoB on AO3
Check tracking numbers for BfS and SoB see if they've arrived yet.
The Hollow Man - sequel to For All That We Have and Are?
Tortall Movie Cast Picspam

Emails from Betas

Make participation banners for confessorlove and hrhrionastar
Post next batch of voting for Character Stamping on peoplespalace
Biweekly tag check
Come up with and organize new challenge to use the prize that's been donated.
Make a lots_mslash comm? (considering)

Real Life
Check class schedule
Renew student loans
Write a grant?
Clean house
Renew ABA membership (dues?)
Double check directions to airport / arrival times
Hair appointment?
Put away things mother-in-law shouldn't see.

!fic status, comm: peoplespalace, comm: hogwartsishome, !working on it, fandom: harry potter, !notice, fandom: legend of the seeker, fandom: tamora pierce books (tortall), !update list, comm: lotseekerfic, !writing style

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