New fanwork master post

Jul 03, 2011 00:14

Whew! Well I just finished putting together my fanwork master list post which is now a sticky at the top of my journal. I'll be editing my links list and profile to go with the change a bit later - for now I'm tuckered out.

This was a really interesting exercise though. I rediscovered some fic I'd actually forgotten I'd written, and it's kind of nice to see it all in one post. I think it looks pretty impressive. :D

So far there's a link to at least one place the work is archived for each fic/art/vid, but I'll slowly be adding links to every place the fic/art/vid can be found. ^_^

!triumph!!!, !pimp post, !index post, !happy pris is happy, !notice, !flail, !working on it

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