Title: The Mermaid's Curse
Author: pristineungift
Rating: R
Wordcount: Appx. 10,000
Warnings: Graphic Fantasy Violence; Sexual Content; Mild Bondage; Pirates Being Pirates; Mild Spoilers for 3x01.
Pairings/Characters: Hook/Queen; Snow/Charming; Jack Sparrow/Scarlett; Emma; Henry; Peter Pan; Mermaid; Tiger Lily. Mentioned Past Hook/Milah; Regina/Daniel; Regina/Graham; Regina/King.
Summary: The mermaid’s final curse does more than create a tidal wave, and The Jolly Roger sinks off the shore of Neverland. Separated from Emma and the Charming Idiots, Regina wakes in a seaside shack to find that she’s in bed with Captain Hook and her voice is gone.