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Comments 16

liliaeth February 19 2013, 03:58:48 UTC
I love the ending, and that they don't instantly jump in bed together, since that wouldn't really feel in character for either of them. But that they're both going to figure things out. And of course, Monroe wanting to take advantage of it ;-)


pristineungift February 21 2013, 03:01:06 UTC
Thank you! I was a little nervous since it was my first time writing these characters (and this fandom), so I'm glad you think they're IC!

Thanks for commenting. <3


meridian_rose February 19 2013, 16:16:44 UTC
I am happy to take ALL the blame! It's wonderful and I have Feelings, and I promise to come back and write a proper review soon :D


pristineungift February 21 2013, 03:04:21 UTC
You've totally created a monster! Writing this fic has given me ALL THE FEELINGS, to the point of working on a new layout and making myself a shipper icon >_>

/totally one of those people

ALSO, I am about halfway through writing the sequel... would you like to beta when I'm done? I'm anticipating 12k - 15k.


meridian_rose February 22 2013, 13:42:09 UTC
Of course I'll beta :D (just need time to get myself together, I'm still behind on everything!) So as long as there's no immediate deadline, I'd love to.


pristineungift February 22 2013, 20:50:32 UTC
Ok cool! Yay! And yeah there's no hurry, I'm not even done writing it yet, though I hope to finish it this weekend.

The only deadline it has is that it's for another trope bingo prompt. So. Sometime before trope bingo ends. :D

Also, is that your bb rat I see in your icon? :3


synia09 February 21 2013, 06:07:46 UTC
This was really fun and I loved the ending, very in character. :-)


pristineungift February 21 2013, 15:45:59 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for commenting. :D


meridian_rose February 24 2013, 11:18:59 UTC
I left a comment at AO3 but I'll leave some more specific flaily comments here.
I love that you italicise Wesen. I do too - it's a foreign word, after all, not in common usage. I also capitalise it because German is big on capitals for all nouns, though I'm not sure I'm doing it right. Also, getting the plural right, kudos ( ... )


pristineungift February 26 2013, 16:48:30 UTC
Heeeeeeee! *will reply at AO3 too a bit later. APPRECIATES THE MULTIPLE COMMENTS.*

Well I figured since I italicized all of the Dothraki when I wrote that Dany/Drogo fic, it made sense here too, since it's actually another language, rather than just specialized words like 'portkey' and 'agiel.' I didn't know about the capitalization though... Although I tend to make up my own rules about that when it comes to media that's not in a written format, and I think I like just 'Grimm' being capitalized, so *goes with my arbitrary rules.*

I'm so glad you think they're in character! T_T I feel like I don't have a really firm hold over them yet (which is why I'm still working on the sequel. I keep obsessing over the parts I've already written instead of forging ahead to write the final part. But I am 75% done now. Just the confrontation with the villain of the week and the conclusion left ( ... )


meridian_rose February 26 2013, 17:31:54 UTC
I look forward to reading the sequel :D I'll do my best to look critically at the sexuality discussions.

In the "Torchwood" pilot Jack Harkness mentions once being pregnant and never letting it happen again and it seems like something dark from his past. So there's canon for him, who's human but from the 51st century where he regularly comes into contact with advanced alien species and their technology. So angsty mpreg for Harkness is probably the one exception to my rule. Otherwise, Do Not Accept and Do Not Want.
Lost Wesen to adopt though, I'd totally be cool with :)

I love Nick/Monroe and some of the storylines but I do get angry with the way females are treated (evil/love interest). Especially Angelina. I have rage about Angelina's fate. I have the urge to write fix-it fic for Angelina. Also need moar Nick's mother and some Grimm!Marie flashbacks.


antares04a February 24 2013, 15:11:12 UTC
“I’m a cop, and a Grimm. I wear a gun, and eat meat, and chase criminals. I’m the guy.”
“I have a beard.”
*lol* Great arguments to decide who is 'the guy'.

Lovely story with a cute ending, the last sentence is so very Monroe! *g*


pristineungift February 26 2013, 17:02:00 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it and thought they were in character! :D :D


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