Plea for Help, and Whining Excuses

Dec 14, 2012 01:54

Hello all!

First, thanks for everyone for being so patient with me in regards to LotSvideo and modding responsibilities and wishing me well and etc. Unfortunately, I am going to continue to suck for another few weeks.

Anyway, I'm mostly better now. I'm just really really tired. Like rolling over is kind of a herculean effort. I finished taking the last of my make up exams today, which means yay I can focus on scraping my social/internet life back together. Buuuut, I'm leaving for England in a few days, and now I've got to scramble to get all my shit together, and I won't have internet access while I'm there because the only computer is in my sister-in-law's room, and I don't want to just bust up into her room and be all GET OUT, MUST INTERNET.

So I'm going to continue to be incommunicado, just on a different side of the Atlantic.

To that end, let me say I will do my best to reply to everyone before I get on the plane, I'm just not sure if I'll have time/energy to make it happen what with packing and etc. BUT I DO LOVE AND MISS EVERYONE.

And also, no one is nominating in the LotSeekerFic Awards, and the nomination period is half over. There are, quite literally, only 5 nominations, and they're all for the C/K Best AU category. Which means the whole awards may just be C/K Best AU at this point. Now, I don't really have time right now to post reminders everywhere, so if anyone would like to step forward and post reminders or just tweet or tell your friends or get the word out that we need nominations, that would be great, and I would muchly appreciate it and give you fantastic internet kisses for helping me.

Ok then. I'm going to go post a fic I wrote weeks ago but never posted because I was too sick, and then I'm going to curl up in my Beast Nest and catch another 40 or 80 winks.


!question, comm: lotsvideo, !whining pris whines, !random rl post, !working on it, !notice, fandom: legend of the seeker, !lotsvideo team, comm: lotseekerfic, !fandom awards, !lotseekerfic awards

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