The Rahl Siblings and Home

Oct 03, 2012 20:21

My laptop recently died, and I had to have the hard drive stored on external discs which I'm now going through and putting on my new computer. Anyway, long story short, I came across a characterization exercise I did with the Rahl siblings I think when I was writing Castle in the Air that I don't think I ever posted. If I did, sorry, here it is again, I guess.  I thought you guys might find it interesting, so it's under the cut.

It's just a short little free form stream of consciousness thing, about how they think of 'home.'


Home was a place that smelled like hay. Home was a place where the roof leaked.

Home was a place that was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.

Home was a hovel on the side of the road.

Home was a place that they kept secret.

Home was just right in the fall.

Home was a place she would never see again.


Home had been his father and brother. That home had burned in flames of red.

Now home was a horse, ridden through the night. Home smelled of leather and metal.

Home was dusty, bloody, and bright.

Home was a wizard who wielded fire, a Mord'Sith doing good, a Confessor he couldn't touch.

Home was Kahlan's eyes.

The Sword of Truth.

Home was the quest.


Green fire. Tortured souls.

Knowing looks, bloodshot eyes.

A king by right, by unnatural birth.

Screams of agony, false love.

False smiles.

False deeds.

Tightly controlled, unable to weep.

Home was a dream, a childhood memory.

Home was a palace of bloody stone.

Home was a wicked knife.

Home was an emptiness, never fulfilled.

lots character: richard, lots character: jennsen, fandom: legend of the seeker, lots character: darken rahl, !poem, !fanfiction, !meta

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