The Seeker's Journal: Bounty

Feb 02, 2012 00:32

My next live blog / recap for the legendland rewatch activities.

My rating of Bounty: 3 (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the best)
Disclaimer: All gifs stolen from talented tumblrites. There is one macro I made mixed in with them. Can you guess which one?

Joxer, Boobs, and Trolls. Yes, this is a recap of Bounty. )

!show review, actor: gabriel mann, !crack, !flail, comm: legendland, actress: brooke williams, fandom: legend of the seeker, !recap, actor: craig horner, fandom: game of thrones, actor: bruce spence

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This review :D It gives me feelings :D meridian_rose February 2 2012, 10:35:43 UTC
Michael's all talking to a D'Haran sketch artist, like "Oh yeah, tilt his nose a little more, there you go." LOL, yes. Actually Riona did a great drabble for her review about the sketch artist:

AND THEN TED RAIMI COMES ON THE SCENE AND I COMPLETELY LOST MY SHIT BECAUSE IT'S JOXER. I KNOW IT WAS AWESOME. And I feel like no one else cares. I think I'm the only one to write a fic all about Sebastian.

why Lucy Lawless should have a guest spot as a Mord'Sith…Or get with Zedd.


Richard humanizes Kahlan, softens her in ways she wouldn't have been without meeting him Yes, absolutely. Of course sometimes he takes it to the extreme and Cara's all 'Yes, I know there's a kitten in a tree, but if we don't close the Veil there will be no more trees and no more kittens EVER.' But yes, I liked Kahlan more once she started hanging out with Richard and it's astonishing how compassionate she is so quickly - clearly the Richard Effect.

You know I would kill for a scene where he does this to Darken Rahl. Can you imagine the powerhouse of awesome a Darken drawing a knife on Zedd, Zedd making him turn the knife on himself scene would be? DO ITTTTTTTTTTT. WRITE IT :D

It's interesting to me that the shadrins pretty much = minotaurs I concur. Although they go from 'legendary beasts in caves' to 'fuck yeah, hunting for shadrin liver is fun'. Maybe that's why Shadrin's are rare. Killed for their aphrodisiac livers, hunted to near extinction. Maybe that's why Zedd fed bad guys to it - preventing extinction is important :D
Someone needs to write a fic where that's exactly what happens. WOULD HE HAVE SAID YES? I think so. Boobies and a world where justice is whatever the local tyrant says it is; I can see Richard siding with boobies and underdogs all the time.

I'm starting to think my issues with Cara/Kahlan and Darken/Kahlan are because I just can't see Kahlan with anyone but Richard. It probably works better for Kahlan/anyone else if she truly believes Richard is dead. Because she's so obsessed with him.

It's who Richard is, and who he would have been even if the Boundary was never breached. Yes, yes, whenever I write preseries fic it's about how Richard has always been this guy who tries his best to help people and make life better for everyone. It's inbuilt into his character.

the D'Haran captain says "A woman?" It's like he's never heard of them beforeI haven't rewatched it so IDK, but it seems like an oversight on the writers given that Mord'Sith wander round being HBIC all the time.

GoT with LotS actors? DO WANT. And I liked blond Richard. He was cracky and awesome. Or maybe he's a Lannister and he dyes his hair blond because really he is dark haired and it is his SECRET SHAME and then it gets discovered by a woman he's sleeping with because the carpet doesn't match the drapes. DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOT OBESSION YOU MAKE ME WANT TO LOVE IT MORE :D

The look on Richard's face when he gets his necklace back I was so glad. It was such a sentitmental thing for him, and one of the only things he got to take with him through the Boundary. I squeed at that.


Re: This review :D It gives me feelings :D pristineungift February 3 2012, 15:25:20 UTC
*Adds that fic to my list of 2398472398423 things I need to read >_>*

Lol I am so glad my recap gave you feelings XD AND YAY FOR GIFS.

I didn't know there was any Sebastian fic at all. I'm glad you like Sebastian the Sneaky x3

And yes, you're right - Richard needs a counterbalance too, in Cara and Kahlan, or he'd never get anything done.

And yeah lol the shadrins. I guess maybe once banelings start popping up, shadrins come out more or something? That's always been my head canon, that in the craziness brought on by the veil being torn the shadrins stopped hiding as much, cause they don't seem to be really numerous until Season 2. >_> I clearly spend too much time thinking about this show.

And yeah, Kahlan/Anyone - I have trouble with it unless Richard is removed from the situation somehow. Like I can do D/K in a situation like my For All That We Have and Are AU where she never met Richard, and I kind of ship Kahlan/Michael if it was a she met him before Richard when she crossed the Boundary thing. Or Kahlan/Philip in the Perdition AU. But I just have a lot of issues finding it believable otherwise - whether it's C/K or D/K or whatever. I find shipping Richard with other people easier when Kahlan is still in the picture, because Richard just has so much love to give. He'd stay true to Kahlan if he could, but in a situation like being trained by Denna, or if he thought Kahlan didn't want him, I could see him loving someone else. But Kahlan, as I see her, is so very calculating and hard - I think she'd have trouble really loving someone else. But that's just my opinion. I can't even really see D/K in Reckoning AUs, because that whole episode, to me, is about her loving Richard and hating Darken.

Lol the D'Haran captain. I think it's just more how he delivered the line than an implication he's all surprised by a woman. It was just a hilarious moment.

GoT with LotS actors? DO WANT. And I liked blond Richard. He was cracky and awesome. Or maybe he's a Lannister and he dyes his hair blond because really he is dark haired and it is his SECRET SHAME and then it gets discovered by a woman he's sleeping with because the carpet doesn't match the drapes. DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOT OBESSION YOU MAKE ME WANT TO LOVE IT MORE :D


You know I would kill for a scene where he does this to Darken Rahl. Can you imagine the powerhouse of awesome a Darken drawing a knife on Zedd, Zedd making him turn the knife on himself scene would be? DO ITTTTTTTTTTT. WRITE IT :D

Maybe >_>


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