Please Call Again Later

Dec 03, 2011 20:37

So, for the next two weeks I have an exam every two days, and I'm frantically studying for them. So if I miss modding deadlines (which I will try not to do), don't comment on something you were expecting me to comment on, reply to reviews, emails, etc, that's why.

In the event I miss any modding deadlines I'll extend them, since failure to post reminders etc is on me, not participants.

Dragon Blood beta crew - I know I have unanswered emails and revisions I haven't made. As always, I thank you for your patience with me, and plan to get the story mostly done over the break! (finally, right?)

If there's anything you super mega want me to see, drop a link in the comments of this post, and I'll be sure to go back and look at it when exams are over and I know where my pants, head, and car keys are again.

!notice, !stressed pris is stressed, !random rl post, !working on it

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