Fanart: New Beginnings

Nov 30, 2011 09:49

This is my first fill for the 12 Prompts of Rahlmas on peoplespalace. On a side note, I don't think I'm getting comment notifications right now. So if I've missed a comment, that's why. <3

Title: New Beginnings
Artist: pristineungift
Rating: PG
Prompt: Baby New Year
Summary: Darken Rahl takes Jennsen into the forest, to see the first baby Night Wisp of the New Year.

Note: The snow and forest textures are from a stock photo website, but I can't remember which one. If you know, tell me so I can credit properly. <3

I'm pretty happy with this one, over all. I had trouble with the placement of Darken's arm, and I think it's still slightly off, but I realized I couldn't move it any more without re-drawing Jennsen, and I liked her, so I didn't want to. Jennsen's hands are a little weird, but still goodish, and I think I did better with Darken's eyes than I've been doing with eyes. They're still not great, but he doesn't look blind.

I did kind of have a "How do you draw facial hair?" moment. Then I added lines like >_> . I hope you can tell Jennsen is holding a Night Wisp.

!triumph!!!, lots character: jennsen, comm: peoplespalace, !flail, lots character: darken rahl, fandom: legend of the seeker, !darklings, !fanart, lots pairing: darken rahl/jennsen, !prompt, !challenge

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