Feb 09, 2005 20:26
with regard to garret's post concerning the Christian basketball game:
i definitely agree that the administration should not be allowed to control us outside of PDS; however, the Providence Day School basketball game is a school event... If it weren't for the school, there wouldn't have been a basketball game in the first place, so I don't see anything wrong about them being able to enforce rules.
regarding the bible characters theme. I would find it extremely offensive if people had actually carried through with that and i GO to pds. those of you who say that it wasnt mocking christianity... I beg to differ. Had the people who thought up the theme truly thought it to be cool to dress up as Bible characters, then it wouldn't be a problem. But think about the guys that thought up that theme. I'm not here to judge, but I don't think they wanted to dress up because they really do like Biblical characters. This can be further proven by comments chanted at the game such as, "Get a life! Get a Life!" and "JE - SUS! JE-SUS! JE-SUS!" That was pretty explicit mocking right there. They were making fun of the students at Christian because they assumed that they were Christians and thus, for some reason, had no life because to them, "life" includes drinking beer, getting drunk, having sex, and enjoying themselves. It was pretty much mocking their faith/lifestyle. Whether their purpose was to "rattle" them or not, it was uncalled for. It was a personal attack on the lifestyle and faith of the students rather than a supportive effort for our own team.