My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulprissy_starfish goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a vegas hooker.
_gloom_ gives you 14 yellow licorice-flavoured gummy fruits.
glitter_n_lust gives you 15 light blue grapefruit-flavoured hard candies.
hobbit_love_x tricks you! You lose 18 pieces of candy!
jesusinajar gives you 15 red-orange coffee-flavoured hard candies.
latvian tricks you! You get a dead frog.
lost_333 gives you 11 mauve orange-flavoured miniature candy bars.
mrzachyboy tricks you! You lose 10 pieces of candy!
projektmoshi tricks you! You get a button.
shatteredshards gives you 1 purple peach-flavoured jelly beans.
you_dontknow_me gives you 13 light blue banana-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.prissy_starfish ends up with 41 pieces of candy, a dead frog, and a button.Another fun meme brought to you by