Oct 26, 2008 19:19
Three weeks since I posted.
Not much happening in my world. School and work are kicking my ass. I've been doing well in all my classes, but the amount of writing I need to do is crazy.
My creative writing professors love me though. The other day I over heard them talking about me in the library. It was a total ego boost. *beams* And since I can't afford to transfer to my 4 year college next semester, I decided rather than taking the semester off, I'm going to take two more classes at WCCC. And my creative writing professors asked me to join their advanced writing workshop. I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm doing really well in Human Bio, which I'm really surprised about. I've always sucked at Bio, so I was expecting to struggle, but I'm getting an A. I don't even own the text book. Hurray for a professor who makes it fun.
I'm a paper behind in my Shakespeare class, but she's cool about it. I'm one of the few people who actually participate in class, so she loves me.
My other class, Racial and Ethic Relations, is a pure BS class. I should find out how I did on my midterm on Tuesday, so here hoping that I aced it like I think I did.
Work is a totally different matter. Target is an OK company to work for, but I hate my hours. I don't have many, only about 25 a week or so. But they manage to make my schedule so I can't have a social life. Not that I can afford to have a social life anyway. My bills greatly outnumber my wages. I spent part of yesterday on the phone with my credit card companies and my car loan company. Had them defer a bunch of payments. Had them out a hold on some of the others, so I'm paying down the principle without acruing any interest or finance charges. Still not sure that I'll be able to pay all my bills. And on top of it all, I lost my car insurance. And I can't afford to sign up for a new policy. It is hell.
On the plus side, I've started my own jewelry line. I'll be starting a website shortly. But until then, I'm going to have a couple of jewelry parties. My sister Joca is having the first one on Nov 9. Don't know if I'm working yet or not, but if I am, Lenice is going to host it. That should bring in some extra income. I'm also going to check out some local boutiques, see if any of them want to carry my line.
As for my Birthday plans, I'm still not sure which day I can have it. I already put a request in for my actual B-day, sunday the 23rd. Hopefully I'll get that day. So I'm thinking of making my party a late lunch on Sunday. Does that work for everyone? Just a reminder, it's going to be a Brazilia outing in Newark. Followed by drinks somewhere in the Ironbound.
I think that's it for the Zhannette update. Hope everyone is doing ok. I miss everyone. And I wish I had the time and the means to hang out. If anyone wants to swing out to my house and hang out, it would be awesome. Just give me a call, and I'll let you know if I'm around.