(no subject)

Mar 02, 2004 02:06

[02 Mar 2004|12:41am]
[ mood | awake ]

this weekend was sooo busy!

friday-I went to the larp with katsu. It's cool 'cause it's kinda like drama club but with vampire the masquerade. my charater was name anya and sje's this poor russian girl, whose family got killed by a fire and she was found by her current master at the age of five. and george was there and i still wanted to kidnap him.
And i got this vote! yeah! on my first day i got a vote! there are so many cute guys there. hotness! .:drools:.

saturday-japanese food! SUNSHINE! W0OT! I love Sunshine! they're katsu don is soo good. food good. the wait knows use know and starts to talk to use a little more then he use to. yay! new people!

sunday- Mitsuwa! whoowho piggy! Japanese mall! Para para soo kicks ddr's ass. Even though we went there with katsu's dad.the katsu don at the lunchbox place just sucked ass. after that we went to josiphines's house to go work out for a bit befor the oscars. Johny depp should have won for best male actor.
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