It's been about two months now since I started playing this behemoth of a game and over a month
since the last time I posted, and the more I play, the more I realize that I've only scratched the surface of the story.
Cut for length, rants and very minor spoilers. )
Plus, I'm tempted to re-roll SW and BH so I can be lightside (as I sort of am tired of antagonizing Vette and Mako), which only means more work. *sigh* Oh well. Maybe BH will just start being nice. But Iuli =/= Ensign'Temple (or look anything alike), so I'm going to need to figure out whether I want to continue with her and just suddenly be good, or re-roll. Maybe I'll check /played on her (and the BH) and make the decision. I mean, it may be easier to reroll both than get all those points back. Then again, it's pretty easy to run BT again and again as a 50 and revel in all those cheap LS points...
I think that Mom would expect nothing less of me than being a douchy Jedi. She may be a bit surprised that I'm playing a male Jedi, but once she realizes that it opens up the possibilities of who I can sordidly sleep with, she'll totally understand my reasoning. It should be hilarious, though, as I'm betting she will be the most lightside of lightside troopers, and totally into Meow Mix, so this should...go interestingly. (Although I'm always surprised by Mom, so knowing my luck, she'll be all dark side and into Vik and I'll be like, "WTF?")
I feel bad for Quinn, too. But, like you said, being an agent means your life sucks. He'd best accept it. Being shackled to a psychopath seems especially cruel know, he knew what he was getting into and I'm sure has it coming.
Agents do betray people left and right (really, it's the only fun part of the job), but yeah...I could see sparing him because you feel bad about his job. Then again, he'll probably just come back and try to destroy you again. Those agents are pesky!
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