Oct 27, 2004 15:47
This is Andy's mom. I just want to keep this journal alive so you may all keep posting to Andy. I really want to keep his memory alive. If he hadn't posted in a year, they would delete his journal. I want you all to feel that if you have a message to Andy or are just feeling down, that you can still write your feelings to him. You may even feel like yelling or telling him off. Sorry, but they do say that that is part of grieving. I yelled at him once already. Told him how much he meant to me and how could he hurt me this way by leaving me. I felt better afterwards, but haven't been able to do it again. I won't be posting often. Just enough to keep this journal going. Andy's headstone has been set in place. It turned out very well. If I can figure out this journal thingy, I will put a picture of it in here. If any of you want, you can respond and tell me how to do it. Thanks for being such great kids and such good friends to Andy. I see now why he loved you all so much. That is all for now. Mrs. Grymko