Oh, I like this a lot, loving Michael's parts in particular (the thing with the hookers), very haunting ending. Great job, I really liked the contrasts.
When Theodore tasted the outside air for the first time in 2 and a half years, he felt something break inside of him. Something that was so beautiful that he was moved to sob.
It is, hehhee. I mean, i can understand T-Bag being attracted to the pure side of Michael, the sweet college boy...but am definately sure it wouldn't keep him interested for very long. There's got to be some defiance, some anger and rebellion that would keep him close to Michael...something dirty he can relate to on some level.
When Theodore tasted the outside air for the first time in 2 and a half years, he felt something break inside of him. Something that was so beautiful that he was moved to sob.
Ever considered cross submitting your fic to http://www.prisonbreakfic.com/index.php for easier access?
Yeah i am glad you liked it. Everyone portrays him as the pretty nagelical ice queen, i figured he had to do SOMETHING dirty in his life.
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