Title: A Check Up
Character/Pairing: T-Bag/Maytag
Prompt: #15, "fear"
Rating: PG for a tiny bit of language
Summary: In which hair is groomed, shirts are removed, and Maytag has an embarrassing fear. But maybe not entirely the one he claims.
Author's Notes: Bit more Maytag/Sara interaction, relatively early. I like charting his progression
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I like your Sara. She's believable in her desire to help, but also believably squicked out, and I like the combination. And I agree with you, I really like seeing how Maytag changes through his interactions with other people.
And lol for everything T-bag says. He's so mean.
And the look on Maytag's face in your icon always cracks me up. Him and T-bag are such a cute creepy couple.
Exactly. I had very little wrong with Sara for about the first half, right up to his saving her 'cause I get that. But main characters that rely entirely on another for them to exist are so...blah.
If we can see T-Bag/Westmoreland interaction and Sara trying to dig up information about Michael, surely we could see her interact with someone else. :(
But the actor does have a fairly psychotic smile generally - I have seen him in other things.
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