Title: Climate Change (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters:Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi
Genre: Het, non-epilogue-compliant, post-series, AU, fluff, holiday fic
Length:1,276 words
Summary:When she lived in Chicago, she used to dream of spending Christmas on a sandy beach. Now that she actually is spending Christmas on a sandy beach - well, that's another story. (seriously, it's holiday fluff fic, not gonna lie)
Author's Note:Please forgive my long absence, will you? This little Christmas story is for
scribblecat, who has spent the last year being my reliable conduit to fandom, and without whom I might have gone slightly bonkers. She made a request for this kind of story a little while ago, and I hope this fits the bill. *hugs her*
Climate Change