The Beach 1/2

Oct 10, 2006 09:04

Title: The Beach 1/2
Author: bluedelft
Rating: PG
Catergory: Gen
Spoilers: Season 2, Buried
Characters: Haywire, dog
Word Count: 200, double drabble

Thanks to bluetoille for reading this over for me.

“If you’re going to Holland with me you need a name.  Gilligan, I’ll call you Gilligan.  If you’re Gilligan that would make me the Skipper,” Haywire said leaning down and scratching behind the dog’s ear.

Continuing to scratch the dog’s ears Haywire continued, “If Michael was here he’d be the Professor.  With that map all over him he was able to get us out.  Guess that would make him the smartest one and he’d be the Professor.  Don’t know who the others would be especially since there were no women in the group.  Don’t have time to think about that we need to get this raft built and go to Holland and live in that windmill.”

All the time Haywire was talking the dog sat there with his head slightly tilted looking at him as if he was trying to understand the conversation.

“We have our bag of jerky, I have a life preserver, you need one of those when you sail and we have each other.  Looks like we have everything except that raft.”

Humming the theme to Gilligan’s Island Haywire started to walk along the beach looking for more wood with the dog following close at his heels.

bluedelft, gen, pg

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