Two Against One - Prison Break (1/1)

Apr 11, 2010 18:56

Title: Two Against One (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Genre: Het, non-epilogue compliant, post-series, drabble, humour, fluff
Characters: Michael, Sara, Lincoln
Rating: PG-13
Length: 100 words
Summary:There are some arguments that you just can't win.
Author's Note: Another drabble request from my 'let me write you a drabble for your birthday!' list. This one's for clair_de_lune, who wanted 'anything post-series with Michael, Sara and Lincoln, maybe Michael and Lincoln arguing about something trivial and Sara taking Lincoln's side, much to Michael's dismay'. Happy belated birthday, bb! *g*

Two Against One

het, non-epilogue-compliant, msgenevieve, drabble, lincoln, michael/sara

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