Title: Master and Apprentice
sierra_foxxRating: PG
Genre/Category: Gen, set in Season 4
Characters: Lincoln Burrows, General Krantz
Summary: Lincoln's thought process as he deals with the face-to-face meeting with The General, right before he ends up 'working' for him in order to save Michael's life.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me; I only like playing with them for my own entertainment.
Author's Note: So yeah, this is unexpected, I know. PB fic at this point in time. *embarrassed cough* I've had this on my hard drive for ages and I've finally managed to finish it so figured now was a good a time as any to post it, right? While it's set in Season 4 (aka The Season Not Many Fans Wanted To Watch) I can understand if the motivation to read isn't there, however -- it is more about Lincoln's inner thought process than any other particular storyline arc. Thanks!
Master and Apprentice