
Jul 31, 2009 17:02

Title: Resprite
Author: happywriter06
Fandom: Prison Break/Friday Night Lights
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jane Phillips mostly; mentioned LJ Burrows, Tami Taylor, Eric Taylor, Julie Taylor, Landry Clarke
Category: Gen
Disclaimer: I would love it if I owned FNL. PB? Not so much.
Spoilers: PB - mild ones for S2. FNL - mild ones for S2 and early S3. If you read this, you’ll be fine.
Summary: resprite - a period of temporary delay; an interval of rest or relief.
Notes: Imagine if you will Jane and LJ went to Dillon Texas after they left Colorado. So that means all the timelines have been changed to suit my purposes. I started this, well not this fic, but a crossover featuring these two fandoms involving these characters ages ago, maybe as early as 07 but more like 08. I've been wanting to finish it. Well, I decided to go in a different direction. This is the result.

jane phillips, crossover, jane, happywriter06, g, gen

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