Title: The Right Road (3/?)
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Michael Scofield/Sara Tancredi
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Lincoln Burrows, Veronica Donovan, Frank Tancredi, various original characters
Rating: PG-15
Genre: AU, Non-Epilogue-Compliant, Alternate Reality
Length: 5,873 words
Summary: One single decision can sometimes change the world. Lincoln didn't go into that garage, and he didn't end up on Death Row. Michael didn't rob that bank, and he never stepped foot inside Fox River. Sara never fell in love with an inmate, and she locked the infirmary door every single night. If everything was different, would anything stay the same?
Author's Note:This story has evolved from an old plotbunny involving a chance meeting in the most ordinary of places, and was inspired by
THESE WORDS OF WISDOM from some guy called Wentworth Miller. Many thanks to
scribblecat for the read-through. You can read the beginning of this story
HERE. Oh, and I've used a few bits and pieces of (slightly adapted) canon conversation in this chapter. *g*
The Right Road - Chapter Three