Title: Flutter (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Sara Tancredi, (Michael Scofield)
Rating: G.
Length: 360 or 327 (and everyone goes "huh?")
Spoilers : 4.22
Genre : A little pinch of crack, some 'create your own story' magic leading to either angst, or fluff !
Summary : The first time she feels the baby kicks, she's alone.
Author's Note: Sooooo I haven't written that much in such a short amount of time, seems like the ending of the show has released my writing muse ! (that or I'm becoming the queen of all procrastinators ! lol) This one is pretty special in the way it's gonna be read. Seems like I am unable to write something without exploring both sides of the coin : Canon and Non-epilogue compliant, so you'll get to choose your own ending according to what you want...Michael or no Michael ? That is the question !
Thanks to
yougottaletmego for the beta work ! *squishes*