It Happens (2/3)

May 23, 2009 22:44

Title: It Happens
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Paul Kellerman and Sara Scofield
Category: Multi-chapter
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Summary: Where there’s sparks, there could be fire, you know.
Author’s Notes: I just had a thought. No disrespect to Michael’s memory, it’s been six years by the timeline I use. Sara is only human. This story picks up with the inference that Michael and Sara married before he died, but does not take into account any of the *leaked* storyline for the straight-to-DVD movie. I don't intend to ever watch that, thus it will never be part of my canon. Chapter One

Chapter Two

sara tancredi, domfangirl, het, paul kellerman, pg-13

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