Twist of Fate (Chapter 2/7) PB/DW Crossover

Jun 22, 2006 19:12

Title: Twist of Fate (Chapter 2/7)
Authors: Co-written by tearcreek and canadian_kazz
Characters: 10/Rose, Sara/Michael, Lincoln, Sucre, LJ
Category: AU (Het)
Rating: PG13
Summary: Some people said it couldn’t be done, but here it is: a Prison Break/Doctor Who fic. Michael, Lincoln and Sucre come across an unexpected means of escaping the police during their sprint across the airfield. Escape is so much easier when you have friends like the Doctor, Rose and the TARDIS. Takes place right after “Flight” in PB and between “Age of Steel” and “Idiot’s Lantern” in DW.
Spoilers: Spoilers for "Flight" for PB, none for DW.
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

au, crossover, pg13, het, lj, michael/sara, lincoln, canadian_kazz

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