Title: An old photograph (1/1)
Author :
tvalcoholic Fandom: Original fic/Prison Break
Characters: Original Characters, mentions of Michael Scofield/Sara Tancredi
Genre : romance, futurefic,
Rating: R.
Length: 675 words
Author's Note: This little fic was written with the prompt story around a sixty years old photograph and on the occasion of
linzi20 birthday, which is today !!! Happy birthday darling :) I do not write often, but lucky you, I got inspired a few days ago !! It is mostly an original fic with references notes to PB. I gotta thanks
martinibaby1 for the first reading and encouraging words. Then
poisonshades for correcting my dumb mistakes *g* . And finally
eight8toes to whom I send a dramatic Beatles up e-mail last night to ask her to second check my mistakes....!
Read here.