Title: Dusk (1/1)
linzi20Characters: Michael Scofield/Sara Tancredi
Spoilers: Scylla 4.01
Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Content *g*
Author's Note: I'm trying to write every day, since both
rosie_spleen and
wrldpossibility have encouraged me to build up my stamina in preparation for writing teh_novel, so you may see my writing popping up more frequently on your flist. I hope you
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Comments 4
Just adding my voice to the advice you've already had -- writing is a skill that improves with regular practice. It doesn't have to be fabulous, it doesn't have to be the same kind of thing every day, but the discipline of daily work is the best friend you can have, if you're looking at a big project.
Thanks fo reading and the lovely words!
Especially liked the course of actions - firstly gentle caress like he needed to feel for himself, then kissing, like wanting to heal them with his love, and the last, tears over something he could never take back and undo.
Wonderful work linzi, you are wonderfully 'getting in shape' for that novel..btw, WHAT NOVEL???? ;))))
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