Title: The Hardest Mile
sierra_foxxRating: PG, approx 1000 or so words
Category: Gen, Character death, set during 4x09
Characters: Lincoln Burrows, Brad Bellick
Summary: His choice had been a path of redemption but therein contained a bittersweet postscript that now stung sharp and deep...
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me; I only like playing with them for my own entertainment.
Author's Note: This little story is written especially for the birthday girl
domfangirl, who is one of my fellow fangirls in Team Lincoln. I hope you have an awesome birthday, darling! I treasure your presence on my flist and I do hope you enjoy this little angsty!Lincoln ficlet. *hugs you* PB fangirls ARE a special bunch of people, and you are no exception. *throws confetti* I'd also like to say a big thanks to
poisonshades for the very short notice read-through and awesome cheerleading; you're a star! *mwah*
The Hardest Mile