Title: A Million Arms Around Her
Author: wrldpossibility
Characters: Sara Tancredi/Michael Scofield, Original Character (no, not one I've already created)
Word Count: 1205
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None. Completely Post-series
Summary: She's five years old the first time she goes on a real vacation.
Author's Note: I seem to be on in a fic-writing frenzy today. I had a tiny inkling (whoa, spontaneous pun...you'll see why) of an idea for truly two years, before I even began writing PB fanfic. The Summer Vacation challenge at
pbhiatus_fic reminded me of it. It's completely AU, post-series Michael and Sara, but written from an entirely different POV for me. So go easy on me please. *g* Written for the challenge above.
A Million Arms Around Her