Romancing the Stone

May 11, 2008 09:56

Title: Romancing the Stone
Characters: Paul Kellerman, Sara Tancredi, Lincoln Burrows
Rating: PG
Length: ~950 words
Spoilers: S2
Author's Note: Written for the
pbhiatus_fic's Hiatus Fic Challenge #3, Do You Like Pina Coladas. This is an S2 fic prompted by the cliché, "It's better to have loved and lost, than never never to have loved at all." Dialogue and scenes taken from First Down, Bolshoi Booze, Bad Blood, and Sona. Title taken from a 1984 Robert Zemeckis film. The usual disclaimers apply.

Romancing the Stone

sara tancredi, burntcircles, pbhiatus_fic challenge, paul kellerman, lincoln burrows, pg

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