Title: The Most Beautiful Flower On Earth (7(2)/7 + Epilogue)
burntcirclesGenre: Gen, Mildly AU
Rating: R for some language
Characters: Michael, Original Characters, Sara, Jane
Summary: I don't consider myself a romantic chick. So when I say that, in those eighteen months, somebody quietly taught me what it could possibly mean to believe that death shall have no dominion, and that love could be more powerful than death, hell yeah, I blame the beer. Michael and his journey, three years later, through the eyes of an original character.
Spoilers: Until S3
Author's Note: Thanks to
skybelpb and
msgenevieve for directing me to this LJ and encouraging me to post. This is my first work of fan fiction, so all constructive criticism would be much appreciated. Chapter Seven is too long for one post, so it's been cut into two.
Chapter Seven (Part Two) Previously - Chapter
Five (Part One),
Five (Part Two),
Seven (Part One)