"Fair Play" (1/?, Gen, PG)

Apr 04, 2008 17:36

Title: Fair Play Author:EtherealFlaim Rating:PG Fandom:Prison Break Characters:Michael, Sarah, Lincoln, Kellerman, Mahone... Summary:A lot of time has passed... Where Are They Now? Author's Notes:This is a combination of a lot of bunnies that I have had hopping around in my head... those which weren't nipping too hard at one another made it into this chapter of the fic. The "how sara got away from susan" bunny was just being too unfriendly, so he didn't make the cut, but if this chapter has a good reception I'll be sure to include him in the next one =) I can't wait for the show to come back! I'm sure the authors went a completely different direction than I did. A few months of no coverage can change a whole LOT of things. Written for pbhiatus_fic. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters herein.
( "No, Lincoln. You absolutely know that I am not bluffing." )
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