You Were A Lot Smaller Then

Mar 15, 2008 17:59

Title: You Were A Lot Smaller Then
Author: foxriverinmate
Rating: PG but only for some slightly naughty words!
Genre: Gen fluff
Characters: Christina Rose Scofield, Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine but they belong to others who aren’t me
Summary: Michael, with encouragement from his big brother, asks his mom a very pertinent question!
A/N: This started out as a fic about the birds and the bees but ended up being a little tale about Aldo Burrow’s abandoned family so it became a little angsty. As usual, young Lincoln is around to provide some comic relief…at least I hope that’s what he’s doing!
Dedication: For bluedelft because she inspired it with the line You can hear Michael walking away saying "Mom, where do babies come from? Lincoln won’t tell me and he said to ask you." in her comment to my last kid!fic The Lincoln Burrows' Guide to Anatomy. And because I missed her birthday so this counts as a belated Happy Birthday gift, right?!!

“You came out of Mom’s belly, Mikey,” Lincoln blurted, anxious to show his kid brother he at least knew something. “I used to talk to you in there.”

michael, lincoln, christina, kid!fic

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