What it means. Michael and LJ fic

Feb 29, 2008 19:13

Title: What it means...
Characters: Michael/LJ, vague mentions of Lincoln.
Rating: PG
Summary: They have a dinner one on one every month and he's never missed a dinner in 5 years. He knows what it means to be a family. 
Author's Note: Ok, this is my first attempt at Foxriver_fic challenges. I've tried the February challenge because I really liked the idea behind it (Happy 40th b-day btw!!). I've chosen the Michael/LJ pairing and gone for a pre-series fic. I know I got the timeline a little bit messed up so please don't pay attention to it. Feedback is very welcome!
Disclaimer: I know nothing and I own nothing.

What it means.

fanfic, prison break

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