Title: Strays
domfangirlStarring: Lincoln, Michael (gen, kid!fic)
Category: One-shot
Rating: G (for teh_cuteness); PG-13 (for the bad language)
Summary: Lincoln deals with Michael's first stray.
Author’s Notes: Inspired from this remark made by
chanchito_z:"Now I want kid!fic with puppies and kitties and maybe a baby skunk!" Consider this the start of your birthday fics...and this one is much more innocent than the others that are coming (pun intended). Whew, I crack myself up! :D Obviously this stems from Lincoln's line in 3x12 about Michael and strays.
Lincoln raised his eyes from the box and backed away slowly, his gaze landing on his younger brother with a virtual slap. “We live in fucking downtown Chicago, how the hell did you manage to find a skunk?”