Title: What Hurts the Most
Author: wrldpossibility
Pairing/Characters: Michael/Sara, Lincoln Burrows, Susan B., Jane Phillips, LJ Burrows, Whistler, T-Bag, Mahone, Lechero, OC
Category: Gen, AU
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Rating: NC-17
Chapter: 12
Summary: In the aftermath of "Sona", Sara and Lincoln are left to their own devices, and Michael is left behind bars. An alternative version of S3.
A/N: As we near the end of the PB winter hiatus, I find myself increasingly anxious (yet cautiously, cautiously optimistic) as to what canon has in store for us. In the meantime, I find myself escaping to this universe. As always, if you need to catch up on past chapters, you can find them
here, and, as always, thanks to sarah_scribbles for listening, reading, and generally keeping me in line. Thanks also to msgenevieve, for the bit of hand-holding.
Chapter 12 )