The Ripest Peach 1/1

Jan 01, 2008 15:25

A Prison Break Fic

Characters: Linc/Jane, Michael/Sara
Category: Post Escape, AU, Het,
Rating: R (sexual inferences, adult themes, language)
Length: 1900 words
Summary: The thoughts and actions of four characters as they hear the NYE countdown in the distance. prisonbreak100 prompt # 58 hold

A/N Although the title of this fic is peached on the peel of crack, this fic is more ‘reflective’ than you-merous. I’ve also set this story in present time, yet another device to continue keeping dead (Sara) and absent (Jane) friends in the happiness of my mind.

The Ripest Peach

het, post escape, mrs_spleen, au, linc/jane, michael/sara, r

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