Two drabbles

Dec 22, 2007 16:26

Title: Shhh!
Author: clair_de_lune
Characters: Michael, LJ
Genres: Gen, fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary/prompt: “I’m too old to believe in Santa Claus.”
Notes: Written for the December Challenge at foxriver-fic. Thanks to happywriter06 for the beta.

Title: An Association Made in Heaven
Author: clair_de_lune
Characters: Sara, Veronica, Jane
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine (although, apparently, they weren’t welcome anymore). Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary/prompt: Hot chocolate and a fireplace.
Notes: Written for the December Challenge at foxriver-fic. Thanks to happywriter06 for the beta.

sara tancredi, veronica, clair-de-lune, foxriver_fic challenge, fluff, jane, pg, michael, lj, gen, g

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